and none of it for me….Okay, I confess that I snagged two rovings.  I swear I am only doing that for quality control.

My final class with my intermediate group finished yesterday.  Bittersweet, I would have to say.  This group was a joy to teach.  The yarns that came out of last night’s class were positively stunning.  And I must confess –I enjoy the largess teachers collect.  I had food, wine, a super sweet card, chocolates and absorbent J Clothes….(obviously from someone who has been in the studio on dyeing day!)

The monthly carding group will give me a chance to check on their progress but I’m not sure it’s going to be enough.  Hopefully a few studio visits will fill the gaps.

Much thanks this week to Kristin and Becky for the fibre assist.  The rovings we cannot spin are  being tagged right now for their long trek to the Arctic Circle.

The focus tonight is on 3 ply yarns…Gotta love a nice bouncy, round, lofty 3 ply…Yeah…