And the script is as follows:

John:  Well, I’m calling like you asked.  It’s 6pm, are you ready to come home yet?

Me:  Well Monica just got here a little while ago and Kristen and I are really working the dyes.

John:  Okay, should I call you again at 7?

Me:  No, I’m definitely thinking I need to be here until 8:30, and then we’ll be home before 9 and I can still make dinner.

John:  Okay, see you at 8:30.

Brief musical interlude…maybe the soundtrack from Buffy Season 6.  Phone rings at 8:20.

John:  So, I’m leaving the house now to come and get you, right?

Me:  Actually I think 9:15 would definitely be better. Monica’s almost done the hat and we have one more round of dyeing to finish.

John:  I’ll come now and start loading the car and maybe go for a walk around the neighbourhood, but we are leaving at 9:15.

Me:  Absolutely.

Brief interlude in which much laughing, knitting, spinning and dyeing occur.  John returns at 9:15

John:  So I’ll just hang out with you guys until you are ready to go?

Me:  That would be great. Thanks honey, we’re just getting so much done.

Actual time leaving the studio  10:20pm.  Dinner at 11:00.  In bed by 2:00 (working on a lace shawl).