Over the years I have gotten many letters, e-mails or photos of customers in my designs, but these photos and note truly made me smile.

‘We’re back at home with no occasion yet to wear our amazing toques ‘.

Thank you so much for putting them on for photos in the hottest weather in Whistler in July!

How often do you get thanks for a job well done? When was the last time you were appreciated in a business sort of way….seriously, I want to know. When was the last time you had a compliment from your work or creation that made you feel like you had just done something amazing.

I wish we could all feel like that every day! Yes, I know this doesn’t happen, even in the magical world of knitting for a living. I would gratefully like to thank this customer for making me feel like more than just a knitter, production worker and wool junkie —-

Have a yarntastic day!