I am a convert. Check out this site for amazing last minute deals on Whistler get aways. No, I am not being paid a commission for this. John and I spend an amazing weekend at the Chateau Whistler before the Sunday market. Decadent and wonderful. This is where I did my serious knitting (like all night marathon knitting)
Finishing dinner and still having sunshine, we took a little walk down the path behind the hotel. If anyone knows what this particular wild flower is, please let me know. Gorgeous colour combination to be including in a hat sometime this week. I need to spin some buttery yellow!
Whistler White was a hit and it is not currently available, but I will have some for the market next weekend. The patterns will also be released in a limited run this week for a neck wrap and Amelia hat. We managed to hook up with Rebecca and JP for a sexy dinner in Brackendale.
We are heading out on the first ferry tomorrow for our first trip to the Sunshine Coast. I will be posting the process of spending two creative days in a yurt when I’m back on Wednesday and all the new designs that come from this collaborative adventure.
John and I met your sister in Whistler. She is awesome. When are you getting up to Whistler?
From castle to yurt; can’t get much more extreme than that! You lead an exciting life.
Looks like a columbine.