I went to work with Pearl yesterday….friend, teacher and knitter extraordinaire. What a whorled, what a whorled….It’s one thing to work in my studio, it’s quite another to knit in a yarn shop for 8 hours. I have never been this productive or had so much fun.
As well as knitting yarn directly from the shelves, and shamefully rubbing quite a bit of it against my cheek, I was divinely inspired…….Which meant finally unleashed for you all…..my new hand spun .
Barrel full of Monkeys

The first ply was a lovely hand spun of natural merino and corriedale spun on the Kiwi. The 2nd ply, due to the chunkiness of the monkeys was done on the drop spindle. Plied on to fine angora in rusts and browns from which the monkeys are lovingly dangling.. Spindling in the store was fantastic as incoming customers really just could not figure out what was going on. Seriously, my little friends were airborne. Each layer of wool started trapping them into this wee yarn prison.

I have been thinking about this yarn for months, searching out just the right rovings, ply yarn, perfect monkeys —I spent more time thinking about this than my finances (which is clearly not good). I am immensely satisfied—- like if I smoked, I’d be smoking one right now.

Now on the niddy noddy….

Now in a skein.

Yarn stats

125 grams

58 yards of pure monkey goodness.

I may or may not sell this yarn. It is making me really happy right now.