Yesterday I cheered, I knit, I spun, I did all the things you should do to meet fine Olympic standing. I was so pleased with myself and then went to photo the spoils of the day and realized that I had no scarves.
None, zero, it was like “hey, I’m sure I must have done them, I’m so on my game” and then more like….oh shit, I see lots of spinning here. There is no A for effort in the Olympics folks, the podium is only meant for the best, and yesterday I would only be able to watch from the sidelines.
On a more cheerful note, Toni came over and I would like to give her an honourary GOLD for her shawl project in the new Noro yarn. It is delightful. On track, on point and sticking with the plan today, after I finish my felting and my web orders…
The Canadian rowing teams are awesome. Please give us some medals. You do your part and I’ll do mine…Thanks