Like a mad dervish, in whirling and swirling succession, I left myself go…..
Spin how you feel…

This yarn is called Paris.
Paris is sexy.
Superwash merino in pinks and blacks plied with nylon with glass beads.
How do you spin “Silly”

A core soft merino loaded with mohair locks in odd and fun colours.
The twist is not set, deliberately over spun.
I feel adventurous….
This is “Sea Slugs”….
very West Coast. It sums up my whole experience of living in BC.
Organic, alive, funky, original.
very West Coast. It sums up my whole experience of living in BC.
Organic, alive, funky, original.
I feel Sedate….
So spin something simple, yet striking….
Black and white merino plied together,
small lumps of the black slightly overpowering the white.
I feel pretty…..
Superwash merino plied.
One colour- lavender with little wool neps
2nd colour – green, cream and a bit of lavender.
“Lily Pad”
So soft and pretty.
I’ve therapeutically spun out all my emotions… I think I’ll spin “elated”……