I have hating not having the entire week planned out when friends come to visit. I want to entertain, but I need to knit and I feel obligated to “entertain”. Kind of foolish really as Julie is really good at being amused and entertained by anything….(seriously).
So, how do you provide the best vista, get your job done and look like a hero in the process. A gorgeous day including taking the ferry to Nanaimo and coming back the same day…Perfect for me —-4 hours of quality “ferry” knitting time.
Once off the ferry, how to stay entertained….Here’s a rack of brochures. I am torn between a bus trip to Tofino to dip my toe in the ocean and a visit to Qualicum Cheeseworks….I think the cheese may win.
After mathematical calculations regarding time, the universe and everything else, we have settled on local sightseeing in Nanaimo.
The bus terminal at the ferry….The new terminal at Nanaimo is beautiful BTW…
We walked the entire town taking a break in between shopping districts for fish and chips on the pier.
Tea shops, more chocolate, a yarn store, and some lovely boutiques….A quick bus ride back to the ferry and we were ready for Vancouver. I love this idea of being a tourist in British Columbia. Seeing things through someone else’s eyes makes my province fresh and new again. (not that I would ever get tired of living here). Julie will be going home tomorrow, and I can feel her trying to suck up the last mountain views.
Leaving the island in our wake.
Oddly enough, once we were back in Vancouver, I managed to mislead a tourist by giving him incorrect directions for the bus to the airport, having him miss his stop, and then Julie and I had to walk him to the correct stop and ride the bus with him (just for a bit) to make sure he got off to the airport ok……Wow, bad directions, I REALLY am a tourist this week.