This season has been replete with injuries. Stupid things, silly things. I have definitely had my share of scrapes. Yesterday was the truly fun one, as I managed to get a sixty pound tent jammed into my throat. I can’t even really explain how it happened, but you have to laugh.
Sorry, maybe later. My throat is a bit sore. This goes well with my mini concussion of a few weeks ago at Trout Lake when I hit myself in the head with 3 grid walls.
I’m just saying.
I have met several members of a funky group of women in Whistler who have a Stitch and Bitch at the Fairmont on Friday nights in the bar. Now that is a knitting group! They have invited me to next weekend’s “meeting”. Even though I’m not usually in Whistler until Saturday afternoon, I’m thinking I will have to take them up on their offer.
Pretty drinks, gorgeous surroundings, new and fun people to knit with and talk about yarn with….hmmm. Don’t think I can say no to that….Now, how to organize it….I will work it out somehow….
In the meantime I will nurse my battered throat, knit a bunch of stuff and think about how much fun I’ll have knitting a bunch more stuff with new people.
Pearl and I knit the hell out Whistler this weekend. Again, beautiful surroundings, mountains, lakes and yarn… And we are heading out soon for a knit picnic near the creek…again, rushing water, mountain backdrop… YEAH
OMG Girl! What have you done to yourself! Keep those tent people away!! 🙂
Well hot damn…the day just gets better and better!
the turkey has landed!
the fibre is here!
i need to pay you!