I love merino, I could knit with it forever, all day and all night…(and sometimes I do). I love the lanolin, the sheen, the cool comfort that it offers. I love using it in my children’s designs and am always confident that it will be next to skin soft and last a really long time.
For the last few months, I have continually reknit to replenish my existing stock. There hasn’t been much time to work on other designs, or spin or really delve into anything new.
Spun on a silk core thread these little puffs of angora, mohair and silk just cradle the core. Not translucent like PluckFluffs delightful yarn, but a bit more dense. I am so satisfied and look forward to coming home in a few days to spin some more.
Headed out to Whistler tomorrow for the last weekend of the market. If you haven’t experienced the Turkey Sale before —–do it….There will be amazing deals on ski equipment and of course the market over 2 days —and, yes, it MAY NOT rain.
Thirty days to Circle Craft and counting. And the craft gods responded kindly by making my cold only last 24 hours. Blessings and gratitude….just keep me healthy until December!
Thanks Holly…that’s quite a compliment (considering how funky and fun your yarn is!)
Gorgeous yarn!! I love the shiny bits of mohair.