Spinning is a great way to break the routine of the serious knitting and seaming. Anything to change things up a bit as I am getting into the home stretch. The new wool is spinning up beautifully and the colours….well see for yourself.
The deep wine tones in the batt range from a deep red to a true purple and just about everything in between. I threw in a small bit of lavender and then decided to make that the pop of the piece. I plied this with an incredible wool/kid mohair blend that gives it the most amazing haze.
Yarn stats.
70 yards
160 grams
thick, thin spin
suggested needle size 8mm.
It was almost too much for the kiwi to take….and just to make sure that it is a perfect yarn for you all, I’ve decided to test knit it myself. Okay, I realize that this is a bit greedy of me, but you want your yarn perfect, don’t you?
It’s a full house this morning and a road trip to Dressew. Best get some housework done. At least clear a path to the door that is free of wool, roving, batts, knitting, fabric and WIPs.
Knit and spin yourself silly today. I sense it’s going to be that kind of day.
Beautiful colours! 🙂
Those are beautiful colors together! You are great at combining them. Can’t wait to see how it knits up! I like the hat from yesterday too. 🙂