I think these people will live forever.

The start of the Festival is exciting and mystifying… I haven’t seen line up this long for the Rolling Stones.

Within hours on the first day, several varietals and tasting times were sold out. The enthusiasm for the simple apple is staggering.

I missed getting the photos of the sticky faces and fingers enjoying caramel apples, pie, chips and all things apple-like.

I was able to spend the two days with Claire vending next to me. I enjoy her work immensely. I also found out this weekend that she feels the same way about paper that I feel about wool!

Although rain and cloud was predicted, we didn’t get either. There is something about this festival that makes it poor weather immune. I am so glad. The last thing I need right now is a hundred apple hats drying in the basement.

I felt the love. I soaked up the sunshine. I was able to take it all in. Friends stopped by –Toni, thank you for the Americano, I savoured it all morning. It was nice to see Holli, who is extremely busy teaching right now, but managed to get Devon out to enjoy the day.

The best part of the day when it was all over the 2nd day. The tents were gone, the crush of people had left and the botanical gardens were returned to normal. Relatively undisturbed by the massive human interference of the event.

And even better than this (if it can get any better). My tent is put away for the season. No more outdoor shows until May 2009. Now that’s something to celebrate…I think I’ll have an apple.