This show required some fresh look to the display so I revamped the felted sign. I like it. I have this huge brush stainless steel sign. Sure, it’s nice, it’s slick, but what does it say about my fibre art. This sign is simpler, but sweet and more represents what I do.

The show set up was a breeze (thanks to Mike). He has a way with just rolling up his sleeves and making it happen. While I am fluffy and puffing, he is making sure my display won’t land on someone’s head and that there is some balance and artistry to the set up — a good second pair of eyes.

Pirate corner is pretty sweet and I’ve gone Pirate Purple folks. The soft grey is such a nice accent.

My personal favourite is the white corner. It’s mostly hand spun and it just reminds me so much of winter. One of the few things I miss about living out east.

Oh, and this I’m just showing off. Hand spun all naturals, camel, silk, merino and suri alpaca. Deer antler buttons….I don’t care if I ever sell you my little lovely!

I am very excited about the show tomorrow, even thought it’s currently 1AM and I am still embroidering wet felt and Mike is picking me up at 8AM (which means virtually no sleep) there is one thought holding it all together for me. There is room in the van for me to bring my KIWI. Folks there will be spinning.

The day is going to pass by at lightening speed. And what will I be spinning…All the batts from last week piled up in the studio…Yeah for me.