I decided to take a day off and spend it with Pearl…No wool, no knitting, no fibre…just a nice walk around Granville Island, some thrift store shopping, maybe lunch…nothing complicated or wool related. And you know that any day that starts like this is going to be a good day. I heart pumpkin spice lattes.

We ended up taking a lovely walk around the Island and “accidentally” ended up at the happiest place on earth. Maiwa is the penultimate fibre experience. If you make your way to Vancouver, this is a must do. Now, we just went in to have a peek since we were in the neighbourhood…first foul up on my no fibre day.

Yes, dyes and a dozen silk scarves. Charllotte has created an amazing oasis of colour and texture. A shrine, if you will.

Since it was only one little hiccup, I forgave myself and we headed off to the next destination. Unfortunately for me the thrift store had this right at the front door, basically jumping into my lap. On the left I have an Incle Loom and the right is, we believe, a ridgid headle loom. (thanks Irene)

Since both items were only $5.00, how could I say no? Oops, my 2nd fibre experience of the day on my non fibre day…BTW, it’s only 11:00AM.

Then a little walk on East Broadway and lookie….

I loved the display and of course we had to go inside…Damn, only jewelry. Based on this, I don’t understand the display….but it did get us in the store. No fibre slip ups here.

We headed our separate ways and I had to cut my losses. I decided to get together with Mike. He doesn’t even like yarn, it’s not on his radar (and yes we are still friends). Oh, now I remember, we have this is common. And he doesn’t like olives!

I did not spend the evening knitting. The forced break felt weird, but I was spinning this morning before I had fed the cats or made a pot of coffee. Normalcy has been restored.