Last year I managed to spin some rather offense yarn. Correction, I spun a great yarn with an offensive name (Clown in a Blender). Sometimes I spin something and know it is the final product for me, I am just done.
I’m selling yarn, but never see a finished product. This made me feel weird. Was it sitting on a shelf somewhere, lost, unloved, unused? I’ve talked to people who have it and the inspiration is all different. One wonderful woman liked it on the “inspiration shelf”, unknit, but brimming with potential.
And Marigold shelved hers until it called to her and demanded to be made into this….
Now THIS is a hat. Super, stupendous, gynormous and a big woolie wonder. I spied her yesterday walking past Arts Off Main, where I was visiting Joan and we were having blog chats….If you are in Vancouver and you have not been here, you must go…Support local artists doing great work. But I digress.
BTW, Marigold is a fabulous woman who is a volunteer and advocate for our local farmer’s markets. Anyone who volunteers for sustainable living is someone who deserves to be applauded. Also designing (and wearing) this uber toque which is just fabulous and nervy.
It really made my day. Thanks chickie.
Thanks YP, I really don’t want people to go to New Jersey. Correction made.
Lurve that hat!
Oh…you need to fix the linky to Arts Off Main…it’s a .ca, not a .com…unless you want to direct people to New Jersey. I’m sure their Arts Off Main is lovely, but it’s not the same thing. 🙂