I have been dyeing a lot of commercial yarn this week. Blek…..Don’t get me wrong, the colours are okay (not mine) but I have been experimenting and they are bright colours for spring.
I have decided I hate turquoise. This came about after one skein of monumental proportion just would not stop bleeding turquoise. I’ve been lucky with setting colours. They are intense and fully in the fibre. I can usually rinse and wash once and the water is crystal clear —–BUT this turquoise has defeated me. I am on my 3rd rinse, my proportions were correct and yet it is still taunting me “rinse me if you can”
Frack you turquoise. I have other things to do today….
Now to the happy…….
Mommy loves you many beautiful ounces of tussah silk. Hand painted in the most springy, sprongy hues. Dried lovingly last night by my bedside on a vintage linen towel on the radiator, gently warmed and cuddled until you ended up in my arms this morning. You were the first thing I saw….coveted. We’ve had some good times you and I—-today, but I will enjoy you more as yarn and a finished good so it’s time to say goodbye.
Wow! Love how the hints of color in the light batt are picked up by the darker rovings. These are going to be amazing. I can tell!