I feel like I have betrayed my one true love. I pick up the sticks for the first time in ages to work on some production work and I dropped them a few hours later. That was two days ago and I just realized that I have been crocheting non stop since.

Why, oh why have I turned my back on my first love? I feel so dirty, and yet…

This piece just speaks to me.

Whenever I am crocheting, my mind is free. I am following a path set out by the yarn, twists, turns and curves which all come to me effortlessly. Theus palette is inspired by the magnolia blooms just starting to break forth.

I believe there will be a hat as I am not done with this beautiful fibre. Silk and wool together just excite me. Did I just say that?

And on a completely different note, I spied this on my walk today. Whoever knows what this blossom is, please let me know. The smell was heavenly.

Heavenly, I tell you.