I am so excited. I found out via a conversation with Joan that I was accepted to the Filberg Festival for another year….Wowee, I am so happy. I love this show……Love, love, love it. And Joan will be with me, tents side by side. I am really looking forward to it.

I was just asked to knit baby hats for a movie. Hush on the details until I have them all.

I was also offered a job in the real world, which means someone actually appreciates me for more than just my knitting tension. It’s nice to dip your toes back into the real world every once in a while, but no time…..

And all of this on the heels of heading out to Whistler. This is going to be one fun filled week. Panties packed, spinning wheel bagged, okay. I am good to go. Will fill you in from the road…