Looking out the window this morning, I knew I was in exactly the right place, with the right people. It’s Pearl’s birthday and we are having our knitting extravaganza marathon. Oddly enough I forgot to bring a hat, so I am furiously crocheting one now so we can head out soon as walk through this lovely forest of white.
The movie hats are a go. And I have finished two of them already. It has been a serious challenge for me requiring a skill that I have never exhibited (it’s a long story). In the meantime the snow is falling, my utility hat is partially complete and the Pike’s Place coffee is a’ calling.
Holli- I think we can get together next week. I am working for a photographer this weekend.
Becki- I have passed your greetings on to Pearl.
YP- I am also waiting to hear more about the movie (ie:waiting for the director to approve my pieces).
BB-I actually wore the hat, it’s a mess, but I like it. Will have picture for tomorrow’s post.
I’m going to be Captain Predictable here:
“Can I see pics of the hat you’re crocheting for yourself?”
Thanks! Glad you’re serene and relaxed right now.
Lucky you in Whistler!
Can’t wait to hear more about the movie. 🙂
happy birthday to pearl!
Guess what? The snow’s falling here too, but it’s not as pretty.
Congrats on the movie hats. We need to get together so I can hear your long story!