What do friends do?

  • They pick you up in their van and help you load it
  • They help you set up shows
  • They keep you company at said shows
  • They shop from you
  • They give you many compliments
  • They make you laugh, I mean gut wrenching belly laughs
  • They make you feel better on a sucky day.

Toni this week, Pearl next week and Joan a few weeks after that. I always feel a bit overwhelmed and apologize ( a lot) for my inabililty to drive a car. I try to stuff them with pastry and coffee, make them pick out inventory or buy them weird presents. I really want to learn how to be really grateful without gushing. I guess I’m looking for a bit more dignified response to what is always a cherished generosity from the people that are close to me.

Yesterday’s show brought much in the way of conversation and laughter but not much in the way of sales. I’m not complaining, really, but there is a definite difference between having my last real show being Circle Craft and then setting up for a little one day show. I never bing, bang, big bucks, boom into the season.

I enjoy the yarn chats, seriously get off on the compliments (no, I don’t get tired of hearing how fantastic and creative I am). It’s what I do every day and I sometimes forget how wonderful it is, so it’s nice to be reminded.

I have a simple display this year. I think I am walking away from the gridwall. If you know anyone that needs 2by6 and 2by4 incredibly heavy chrome grid wall, is local and wants to give me money, just let me know.

I have some cashmere. I might dye it today —after I go to Stanley Park to knit for a while—pics later.