Firstly—attack the funky virus.
The formula.
- liquid vitamin A
- 3 litres of ice cold water
- 1500 mg B12
- 500 mg B6
- 2000 mg vitamin C
- ginseng and lemongrass tea
- ice pack on sinuses
Screw you evil virus trying to interfere with my inventory. Seriously, you are not welcome here!
Now for the truly punishing part of the day…I have made another list. This is what is going to get finished today. I have the largest UFO list on record.
- 5 kids hats seamed – done
- 1 plum blossom scarf – done
- 3 felt hats actually felted – done
- 1 baby sweater finishing details buttons – where is that sweater?
- 1 free form scarf – and the red scarf?
- 2 skeins of hand spun –done
- 1 fern scarf – done
- 10 kid forms ready for embellishment —craptastic, didn’t even get a start here.
At some point today, do a load of laundry and vacuum the hallway…Oh and have a nap after half the list is complete. I will post photos of the stack o finished things tomorrow. I’m sure I can do this. Tomorrow will be another day and another list.
Oh, wait, and start packing for the show this weekend…
Well it’s 2am…I didn’t manage the nap or vacuuming the hallway, but I did get a load of laundry done. Was today successful? I’m not sure.
You were absolutely successful! I don’t think I could have done all that in a week!! 🙂
Well… maybe if I had some really good naps and drugs. 😉
Judi – I let you down. Apparently I am not capable of completing an entire list in a day!
I need a new list writer.
I had to share this e-mail from my friend Judi…it will propel me forward for weeks.
when i retire from what i think of as a grueling and demanding job I had visions of my next life being that of a textile artist – but i must change that now to textile diletante without the ability to even imagine let alone come anywhere close to what you are pushing yourself to accomplish – this is a huge list! More power to you and more energy and more good health. YOU GO GIRL!