Finally, finally…hoping that Irene and Toni would both be proud of me now…Yes 510 yards in one skein. It was not my intention to spin today. The postman came a knockin’ and roving showed up and well, you know me. The fact that there aren’t enough hours in the day to finish the projects I have now didn’t seem to deter me.

The yarn was completely in charge of how it was spun. I have Toni’s Kiwi (on loan) and we were just getting reacquainted when a merino/silk roving hopped up and into the wheel. Yes, make me lacy, make me pretty it squealed…

And the marathon began…I spun so long that one cheek and part of my leg fell asleep. It felt exquisite to have the tiniest bits of fibre running through my fingers. The colourway was lovely, lots of white left in the roving and it plied onto itself beautifully. I would not have enjoyed it as a single and now am looking forward to seeing it knit up.

You can’t sell hand spun if you don’t know how it knits and how it wears as a finished garment. And let’s be honest….it’s just mine, all mine. I earned the right to knit it…

Now a project. Suggestions?