It happened! The bones of the studio are in place. The shelving is in place. I put a few token skeins of the hand spun in the wire baskets just so I could see some colour. It looks pretty sparse now, but I have my Turkish carpets, my drum carder, coffee corner and soon the shelves will be lined with rovings. I couldn’t be happier or more sore.
I have some painting to do. And rather than an inspiration board, I’ve decided to do an inspiration wall and cork the wall that the glass table is against…Does anyone know where I can find a roll of corkboard?
I may change my mind, but I’m thinking it will be sweet to pin up swatches and pattern sketches.
Thanks for the cork suggestions. Agree that tiles might be better, but am curious to see what Joan is thinking of. She knows stuff.
Before you buy cork board talk to me. I have a couple of ideas.
I love it! I can’t wait to see it filled. If I can make a suggestion, though – you might want to try corkboard squares, not rolls. That way if one gets damaged, it’s easily replaced. Take it easy!
Looks great! Check Ikea or Costco for the cork.