Knit news…

Holli Yeoh has a wonderful design published in the new Twist Collective.
Sivia Harding (another amazingly talented Vancouverite) has a beautiful shawl published as well.
Felicia Lo (of Sweet Georgia fame) was featured in the Canadian section of the current Vogue Knitting. She is a master of colour and is appropriated credited.

And in my little corner of the world…far less exciting…

Riding between the studio at home has turned out to be amazing unwind time. Planning and preparing for the day is how I occupy my mind on the ride. My knitter friend Mariegold has found the path of least resistance for me (which I have altered slightly for a bit of strain).

Winter at home was cruel with what I am now calling my “spinner’s ass”. Also in a lot of ways I was a bear preparing for caloric hibernation without the ability to burn it off over the winter. The riding in combination with some mindful eating habits will hopefully self correct the SA problem.

The studio has pushed the spinning to a new level as I drift between the carder and the wheel. Toni and I will be dying in the studio for the first time near the end of the week. So much naked cashmere calling to me.

And just for some fun…There’s A Fly in My Soup

And Pacific Rain Forest Moss

And at home….a wall without wool.

I know, shocking…I told you I would make the house wool free. But the studio, on the other hand…