Things I Love About the Market
1. Great Neighbours

2. Fresh, Organic and Local Produce

3. Out of this world Apple Fritters. (have been described as being injected with cocaine).
4. Other vendors that will model for you!
5. A booth that finally got set up on time and just the way I wanted it (it only took 3 weeks).
6. Long leisurely Saturdays in Whistler, a great hotel and dinner the day before a market.
7. A decaf americano on market morning during set up.
8. Bringing new people over to the church of knitting.
9. A wireless debit machine.
10. John sharing market days with me. Nothing better.
Gorgeous set up!
The apple fritters are making me drool. YUM!
wow! It's been a while since I've visited your blog. I subscribe via RSS feed but I thought I would just pop in for a look see. It's fantastic!! There's even a store and you hold classes now! Love the pics that you have been posting. Your booth looks incredible! I wish I was there shopping. Keep up the great work! May more good things come your way.
Your booth looks great — love the new banner! 🙂
Awesome booth and all.