- You can’t make up for lost sleep the day after you get home. Twelve hours of sleep is definitely a waste of time.
- If you avoid the fudge booth, you will definitely lose weight at a 4 day show.
- Follow your instincts. One wrong turn in the car and you can lose friends for the rest of the night.
- Less nature can be a good thing during the show. An intense allergic reaction could have called an early end to the show this year.
- Don’t believe everything you hear. While so thrilled with all the compliments, I have to take it all down a notch, stay humble and grateful that I get to do what I do.
- You will not get any work done at a show so stop putting half finished items in the car, taking them to the booth and dragging them back to the B&B (over and over agan)
- Limit trading. There are so many beautiful things to choose from so many talented people. Pick one thing only. I failed miserably at this.
- Bring twice as much inventory next year. I always run out of things, but this year there were more holes in the booth than usual.
- Customers become friends. I was fortunate to receive photographs and thank you cards from long time customers. Better than the biggest bouquet, I will treasure these items.
- Be thankful for people who volunteer. Filberg is produced by an ARMY of volunteers and I made sure to acknowledge everyone who wore that badge.

Art Yarn makes a great felted bowl,don’t you think?

A pretty princess stops for a rest in the booth.
Glad to hear that you had a great time! Can't wait to see what else you have to show us from there. Perhaps your own fibery scores? We want to see what you came home with!!