Thank you for reminding me that I haven’t posted my updated schedule for a while! I might have more success selling things if I let people know where I was!


15th Trout Lake Farmer’s Market
16th Whistler Market
20th Electronic Arts Centre
22nd West End Market
23rd Whistler Market
30th Whistler Market


6th Whistler Farmer’s Market
12th Trout Lake Farmer’s Market
13th Whistler Farmer’s Market
20th Whistler Farmer’s Market
27th Whistler Farmer’s Market


4th Whistler Farmer’s Market
10th Whistler Farmer’s Market
11th Whistler Farmer’s Market – End of Season
17th UBC Apple Festival
18th UBC Apple Festival


11th – 16th Circle Craft

I may actually consider a vacation after this schedule. Only 90 days to Circle Craft. Production is now in full swing. I must have been slacking before.