Last weekend’s market at Whistler was the best one, ever. Great sales, conversations, customers and crochet lessons. I love sharing what I know about craft at the market. John was a designated dog walker this weekend (which helped immensely) Whistler is definitely a dog market.

We had our AGM for the market at the end of the day. One of the few chances I have had to see some of the vendors as the sales day doesn’t normally present time to wander. It was also my opportunity to step up and be more involved, so this year, I am now a member of the Board of Directors. (more reason to spend more time in Whistler)

I believe in farmers’ markets and how they build communities and my best experiences are at the market, so I am thrilled to serve.

The ride home was mysteriously beautiful.

The ride was the perfect time to think about my week ahead. I’m looking forward to teaching my first spinning class on Thursday. Really… Irene, I defer to your brilliance and I thank you for everything you taught me. I hope I am adequately able to pass your knowledge on. I want people to love spinning and I want to have a hand in creating that excitement like you did for me.

Hand spun yarn makes wonderful things. And everyone deserves the pleasure of knitting with hand spun. Even I steal a skein away from my inventory now and again.

Spin or knit something squishy, fashionable and warm.