……two new hat designs. How the heck did this happen?
I got some sage advice and I’m not dumb enough to ignore it. Since it’s too close to the show to sit still I spent a good portion of the day reskeining yarn and finishing up a new hand painted colourway.
Soon available for your knitting pleasure…..The Boyfriend Hat and the Best Friend Hat….!!!
Well, it’s just after 11:00pm, I’ve got a nice hot cup of Gen Matcha and I’m getting ready to watch Savage Grace. That gives me two hours of knitting. I should be able to finish up the last of the tike hats.
Working digits update –the hand feels stiff, but good and my forearm is radiating a bit of heat, but the ice pack is going well and I’m ready for this last hat of the day.
Thanks for the great advice. I really am listening.