My right hand feels like a pounded out pile of meat. The pain radiates up to my shoulder and across the back of my neck. My left hand feels happily left out, although I am using it to massage my right hand. My consolation. Wonderful hand dyed and knit children’s hats. Too much effort for something so small???Not at all.
I missed the studio today entirely due to a weird ear ache and I felt stupid sitting and knitting on the couch. I wanted to be surrounded by the drying fibre, the stacked fleece waiting to be spun and my coffee pot. And good friends who stop by offering encouragement, yarn skeining and snacks.
I’ll be back there tomorrow. Regardless, I need to see my drying yarns and dig out the pile of almost done stuff. And have a visitor or two and a coffee or two.
Thank you both. A massage is a good idea. I will also take your knitaholic advice….Today I shifted gears to dyeing and reskeining and am just picking up the needles now. But at least it's a new design. Pain made me shift gears today.
sdvice from a knitaholic (of a minor scale compared to your output but living [successfully] with arthritis) – DO NOT knit til you drop – change your hand motions PLEASE – your work is wonderful and important. art in a dye pot and frazzling lots of wee little impressionable ones. imagine how liberating forever to have one of your hats as a child! Keep on!
PLEASE take care of yourself, Carmen!! Accomplishing all this wonderful fibery beauty does you know good if you're too sore to enjoy it.
Maybe once you're done you can spring for a massage?