The drinks are on me. The booth is set up. Not set up, but everything is there. Today will be a long day of merchandising. I will appreciate it as I haven’t seen some of this inventory in months. I will tag it, price it, fondle it and remember where I was when I spun or knit it. What I was doing, and who I was with. Each piece has a sensory recollection for me.

The start of something good. No, the fuschia curtains do not stay in the booth….Just covers for overnight. I do remember once upon a time when the pink was my booth backdrop for a show.

What was I thinking? This is more like it. Vintage and antique furniture soon to be contrasted with modern design. The gridwall ( a necessary evil) is nicely tucked away behind the drape.

This is THE best part of any show. Putting it together and seeing all your work displayed in one place. Thank you, thank you to everyone who helped with the set up last night John, Kim, Mariegold and Mike. It definitely would not have come together without you.