The anatomy of a Christmas batt…..

  • The finest kid mohair and mulberry silk
  • angelina(mostly gold, but a tiny sliver of silver
  • hand dyed mohair locks in the richest of holiday colours
  • small bits of hand dyed alpaca
  • some holiday cheer

I could not resist spinning two of the batts. I’ll be knitting one of them tomorrow.

The batts are $20 for 110-120g. There are only 4 batts left. Please e-mail me or comment if you would like one put aside. The spun skein is $45.00 and I will be taking it to my show this weekend, unless someone wants to claim it first!

Since it’s not all about Christmas, here is the girlygirl skein spun from a cotton candy batt.

  • silk
  • angelina
  • hand dyed mohair locks
  • kid mohair
  • alpaca
  • bfl

115g — $45.00

I have an entire day of spinning tomorrow before class, a visit from Holli, a store order to drop off and some packing to do for the last show this weekend. Sleep might be a good idea.