There was some sun, just for a few minutes, just long enough to take the knitting outside to photograph. Considering these colours were all online choices, I am thrilled. The alpaca blend is so conforting and sensuous in my hands. I’m loving the knitting so much, that I don’t think I deserve to keep the finished capelet. It has already exceeded my expectations of happy.

The stranding is not making me crazy. I love the inside as much as the exterior. Maybe, even more.

I’m just introducing the 10th colour now as well as my first row of three colours in one row is sneaking up on me. I might even get to drop down to smaller circulars tomorrow. I’ve decided against the gauntlets. Really, if I was going to knit sleeves why not knit a sweater. Would a hat be too much? You know I want to make a hat for this.