and our friends are coming, and the tourists are here, and there will be line ups at my favourite restaurants and I need a treasure map to find Costco, and no one can park near my house or the studio and the buses are all full of people with suitcases and… jury pieces still aren’t done and the back bedroom still has remnants of studio crap in it and….

oh hell, the Olympics are here. Can’t stop it so might as well get into the groove. I will not however,

  • Buy red mittens
  • Have a Canadian Flag sticking out my car window
  • Eat red and white cupcakes
  • Buy a cute cuddly Squatchy, even when it goes on sale after the big “O” is done.

The studio has undergone a major renovation to accommodate my growing Thursday night group.

This is the carding corner with the scale and fibre so that spinners can make their own batts with plenty of elbow room. I like having a dedicated section just for that.

The spinners now have their own area, a bit more roomy than before with a surface to rest their coffee/tea or fibre. Finally. The knitting area has a small project table and easy access to the coffee pot. Thanks to the mountain of folks who contributed…you all know who you are, but a special thank you to Toni, who kept me from throwing a match into the building while we were sorting wool.

I have two containers of hand spun since the last shows ended. I’m shocked because I didn’t think I had been spinning much.

I have lost some teaching classes due to students not wanting to travel from the north shore. Boo, hiss. I am making up for it by finishing off a pile of Maple Leaf hats to put in the window at Birkeland. They are pretty spiffy and made locally. Who wouldn’t want that? Back to work.

This is a demo store for testing purposes — no orders shall be fulfilled. Dismiss