Well I knew John would be able to make it happen. Gold, baby. He retrieved our friends without incident and delivered them in under 1 hr to our door. My hero.

The spare room challenge left me exhausted and with a bronze to show for my efforts. The steam cleaning did not happen. And I was so close…..I can live with a bronze…more exciting however is a room that can actually be used.

Valentine’s Day is a great way to enjoy company. John and the girls had been out shopping and sight seeing on Granville Island while I was working in the studio and when I came home the house was filled with tulips and roses.

I haven’t even begun to work on my most crucial event. Jury piece completion. Tomorrow is going to be excruciating. And this is not about medal placement. It’s about whether or not I get to be in a show so for once, no f**ing around. I will still manage to fit in a quick visit to the Athlete’s Village tomorrow before heading off to the studio.

It will be a long day but an inspired one. Nothing is more inspiring than a fire under your ass.