So my best laid plans have failed. My attempt to call in sick did not work. My boss clearly saw me lounging in my pj’s and drinking an americano around 8:00am. No need to get all crazy as I sometimes don’t get my groove on until after Dr. Who (9:00am). But once 9:30 came and went and I was still petting the cats the boss of me knew something was up.
The guilt knitting began promptly at 9:45 am. I just dropped the needles at 11:51. Oh, and there were appropriate lunch and dinner breaks. I’m still a bit peeved at my boss today, but she’s not a monster.
I still think your boss is nicer than mine. I will start working on scary bunnies. I have some F.A Peter Rabbit in stock….hmmm
I like your boss. She's hilarious and always leaves nice comments on my blog. Love the Buffy inspired scarves. You should make one called 'Scary Bunnies' and make it out of Angora!