I received this email the other day and thought I would pass it along to anyone reading this blog.  I believe I have a few eggplant hats I can pass along for this, how about you?
Good Morning Carmen,
I was reading your blog last night and I can see that you are connected to the knitting community in Vancouver and I wanted to ask you to help spread the word about a knitting campaign I am working in with the Period of PURPLE Crying and BC Children’s Hospital.
We are asking volunteers to knit purple newborn baby hats to be distributed at BC Children’s Hospital the week of November 15th.  If you are interested in knitting caps, any newborn baby pattern in any shade of purple would be fantastic.
If you would like more information please email me at Melissa@limelitepr.com. We also have a Facebook group and event that is dedicated to this campaign.
Thank you,
Melissa Pelto MA
Communications Consultant