I’ve been going to Whistler regularily.  At least twice a month.  Either for WFM Board meetings or to get together with Gabi.  We’ve been collaborating quite a bit this year and I’m excited about even more work that we discussed yesterday.

Friday day meetings means I get to sit back and enjoy the bus ride to Whistler.  It’s awesome, environmentally correct and I don’t have motion sickness so the knitting is extreme.  I was thrilled to finally finish my Urchin Hat. (Ysolda Teague) This has to be the best design for thick and thin yarn.  The design is exceptional.  It is really a revolution for hat construction.  Even though the pattern has been out for a while…(.free on her website or from Knitty)  I’ve been too busy doing my own thing to want to knit anyone else’s patterns…However this one stuck.

I found myself with an extra skein of Koi Pond, and well, here is the result.

My alterations to the pattern overlapped some of the short rowing a bit more and I jumped the gauge to 10mm needles to accommodate the yarn and to have more of an exaggerated tam.  .

I love, love, love the hat and the yarn.  I wore it around the house today.  I want to knit one for everyone I know.  I want everyone I know who knits to knit one.  It’s not like I don’t have plenty of hand spun that will fit the bill. 

I’m oddly and eagerly looking forward to my next bus ride.  I think I’ll knit another one.