I have been in the studio now for more days in a row than I can count.  The revised space with it’s lack of clutter and walls of fibre is pulling me in.  That’s not a bad thing.   I just find it surprising that the space can keep reinventing itself.  It’s an organic continuous transformation.

Here’s another transformation for you.

This batt is BFL, perindale tussah silk angelina and dyed mohair locks.  I was looking for glaciers ad thinking north of Jasper from the Columbia Icefields.  I feel like I captured it in the finished yarn.

I knew when I was working on this 3 ply that it would be a bit more textural than a regtular 3 ply as I did not soin all of the curl out of the moahir locks and I didn’t try to smooth out all of the tussah and let some larger chunks fall in.

The resulting yarn is round with bits of glimmer, a lovely depth and slippery to coarse texture in places that makes it enchanting.  I took it home from the studio last night and keep opening up the skein to enjoy all the variations.

I spun a sweet single last night as well.  How many 3 plys can you fit into one day?