I apologize for the lack of posting this week.  I have had a bit of an identity crisis.  Who am I?  Eager weaver, spinner, dyer, knitter, crocheter, sloppy housekeeper?  Okay, we’ve pinned down one.

I am easily distracted by all things pretty and different.  I love being challenged by something new and the exciting learning curve of trying to master a new skill.  But this is different, very different than the usual distraction.  It puts me in the same zone as spinning, clear, calm, content and like I’ve been floated off to an island on my own.  Can you say a little slice of heaven?

HOWEVER, where is my inventory?  It is not happening at the super speed it used to.  I take more breaks.  I am more deliberate and purposeful in my work.  I know I haven’t gotten any smarter, so I’ll attribute it to getting older or more seasoned.

There is a lot of knit “stuff” sitting amongst the dust bunnies.  Time to give the house and my inventory mojo a good late spring dust off today. 

The regularly scheduled Project updates will return after the very brief warping interlude.Stay tuned.