A child “weaves” a phentex pot holder on a plastic loom.  Pretty presents that definitely surpass the dreaded melted beer bottle ashtray.  But then knitting needles replace the plastic loom.  So becomes the gift of scarves full of dropped stitches.  Then crafting goes on a hiatus.  For glory, for grades or for boys.

Into the 20’s crafting is more about what we can do.  Invincible, I could do anything.  But once each one of those mountains is climbed, I exhausted the passion and looked for something new.  When do you put the brakes on?  When does the passion take hold of you and grip you so tightly that the excitement doesn’t even allow you to catch a breath.

For me, it is weaving my first piece of cloth.  I feel connected to the ancients.  Part of something as strong as all the threads together.  Life in tapestry.    I am indebted for the inspiration, women that walked before me and beside me and the ones that will come after me.