I don’t know how it happened. January —puff—–gone. And what do I have to show for it? Some hand spun, a few new designs, a reasonably tidy house and a terrible cold.
Okay, not as bad as I thought, it seems I did get quite a bit done, but not nearly where I hoped to be. I am still doing my last minute scrambling for show applications. Thank goodness that I have enough seniority now that I’m not rejurying for everything from scratch. That is a killer.
Birkeland is closing down at the end of the month. For those of you that follow the blog or have taken classes from me, you know that this is where I did most of my teaching. I’ll be sad to see the shop close. It has been a landmark on the Main Street strip now for 73 years. I’ve made many friendships through the shop that are irreplaceable. I’ve had so many opportunities come my way because of my affiliation with the shop. My gig with Disney is because of a referral from Cara. So ends a chapter.
February is a shorter month, but also the month where things kick into high gear. It’s when my calendar is set for the whole year. It is also the start of the new yarn project. Details to follow. I think you’ll like this one. New half pound skeins of the thick and thin BFL. Imagine, an entire project with no ends to join.