It’s no secret that a good portion of my knitting gets done while I am watching the Space Channel. A great deal of my knitting and crochet is free form so I a not concentrating on counting and rows and colour changes. As a result, my mind gets to wander and I love the visual distraction of the television. It hleps pass the many hours that I have needles in myhands.

And why the Space Channel? I don’t know. I’ve always knit and I’ve always liked sci fi. It’s calmed down quite a bit ove the years. I’m in a my mid forties and I’ve stopped going to conventions. Nut I do have some toys in my storage locker. A klingon distrupter and a medical trcorder and stacked a ong an x-files t-shirt (trusto no one) and some vintage Star Log magazines from the early 90’s. I believe there is also an Enterprise Hallmark ornament.

I now collect yarn the way I used to collect sci fi gadgets. Have I replaced one obsession with another. No, I think they are married together quite well. John doesn’t understand either of my obsession—tehn again, I’e never understood how he could consider 18 pages of manual calculations eciting either. Maybe that’s why it works.

Today, while I was having mu usual morning Plurkathon, I garnered several replies from like minded sci fi folks when I posted about DS9 (for and against the show) but interest none the less. So it got me thinking, is there some secret sci fi knitter geek connection out there. BTW it also seems to coincide with a slight caffeine thing as well.

I would be thrilled to hear what your sci fi poison of choice is for knit or crochet or if you are “tuned in” to something else to pass the time with your knitting or spinning.

Don’t let me be the only geek.

Oh, and here is a picture of the cable knit mug from Starbucks that I was talking about. It’s decaf in the mug.
