……is for everyone to get their MelonHead orders on time. Okay, this is one more to check off the list. Nothing wrong with Italian wool and recycled cashmere with vintage buttons.

This is what I have packed for Whistler. Enough hand spun silk and kid mohair to finish 1 scarf and two more hats. The yarn for the ginseng hats. The hand dyed kid mohair for the raspberry hat, a pirate sweater to be sewn together and bits and pieces for the ever famous cherry blossoms. I know it sounds like I will be gone for a week, but alas it is only 2 days.

I’m just not sure what I’ll be in the mood for and I don’t want to take anything to chance. I’m glad John has as much to work on as I do.

Everything I own right now is on a charger. I feel like an electric eel. Camera, wireless, laptop, cell phone. For someone who knits for a living, I find it hard to believe I am so attached to these “other” things. And I have a confession to make, this year I decided I wanted to upgrade a little in the cell phone category. I WANT an I-Phone….I need one….I want/need/must have one. I am pretty low tech, with the exception of the debit machine in the booth in the summer, but for some reason, I am drawn by the functionality and playfulness of this wild little device.

Unfortunately my cell phone carrier will not grace me with one I can afford for another 6 months. Like all things, if I have to wait 6 months for it, I am quite certain I will be over the idea by then. I suppose that is a good thing. I do have a wonderful 2009 bound planner which I had committed to using. It’s not like the I-Phone will make me more organized.

Since I don’t think I will be getting my funky phone, I treated myself to these little goodies instead. God bless great shopping bags and luggage and more storage for my projects.

This little lovely (which isn’t that little) is my new weekender, space for everything including the laptop. I got this at Pier One Imports–can’t even tell you how I ended up in that store today.
I love this luggage!!!!

And, what else, more bags to hold my knitting projects, also from Pier One Imports. Fabulous at the price of $1.99 each and Vancouver weather proof. I cannot explain the current bag fetish. Then again, I was the only person who had 3 changes of shoes yesterday for Brown Shoe Day.

And this is what it looks like semi loaded with knitting…

Have a great weekend everyone. Knit and spin lots.