As the New Year starts, I am already chasing my tail with how busy things have become. This has put me in the position of stating full on that I am no longer doing commission work or custom orders.

I am losing a lot of production time to design that will not become part of my regular inventory. It is time that I cannot recover. In retrospect, it may be one of the reasons why I was so overwhelmed last year. Don’t get me wrong–for those that follow the blog, you all know I love a good challenge and 99% of people are pleased with the final design…BUT….

I’ve only ever calculated the time in making the finished product and not the 3 times that I ripped it out to start over or sketched or resized something. Now this doesn’t mean you can’t have an existing design in a different colour or wool. I feel awful even writing this, but one of the reasons I started on this path was to bring my visions to light. In some ways I have lost sight of that.

It’s 2am and I’m working on an order. No,this was my design that some one asked me to replicate twofold. This one I am having enormous fun with. I hope I am not harming the business in any way by imposing this limitation. This year will be a selfish MelonHead me, all me design year.

Oh, and hang on to your hats. I am immediately applying this now freed up time to taking a dye workshop at the end of the month…