So begins the new year and the first jury is out of the way. YLFMS is an exhausting market to apply for. Consider pre-jury, then formal jury, then choosing market dates and finally trying to survive the season with 8:00am weekend tent set ups come rain or shine.

I digress. When I am preparing pieces for a jury I am considering a multitude of things, not withstanding, who is the “jury”. Who is this mystical group of people that can determine my annual income and in a lot of ways what course my business might take.

When I am accepted into a jury, I am quite certain that these are a group of people with impeccable taste. When I am rejected, I consider that the jurors were from a pool of prison inmates who were given a day pass and free sandwiches to offer their services for the process.

No one likes to be judged. What I came away from this recent experience with is that it just doesn’t feel good if your talented friends aren’t along with you for the ride.

Breath deeply, stare in amazement at your acceptance package and reward yourself by knitting something that is not a jury piece (or if you love it, could become a jury piece). One down only six more to go.