I try not to go here often. It is a dark and scary place. For the first time in a long time, there are other thoughts in my head other than yarn or where to hide my yarn. The predominant and overwhelming thought of the moment…Yes, what did I do with my fracking mailbox key? Oh, and John is coming home tomorrow night…

The hunt for “the key” has taken on epic proportion and has become the task du jour…ie : a sampling of my day.

6:30 to 8:30 Revise work process for jury submission
8:30 to 9:15 Explore interior of couch, chair, underneath carpeting and fireplace mantel.
9:15 to 11:00 Edit photos for jury submission
11:00 to 11:30 Dump recycle bin paper and recyclable containers in continuing search for mailbox key.
11:30 to 12:00 Have friendly chat with mailman who has become best friend if intercepted before mail gets into mailbox…note to self…invent more excuses for “running into” mailman in the hallway.
12:00-1:30 Joan and I realize we have filled out jury submission incorrectly.
1:30-2:00 Examine dining room for possible key location.

I think you can follow how the rest of my day played out. It is currently 1AM. I am cool with my submissions, now ready to ship in the morning. The key, on the other hand is an ongoing concern.

I would really like to fill that larger brain portion with more knitterly concerns so wish me luck.