I have not been able to stop staring at the Ridged Headle Loom that is sitting in the corner of the dining room..You may remember my earlier post wherein Pearl and I scored the most amazing deal in the thrift shop.
I don’t know how to weave, therefore I felt compelled to conquer this strange device. So yesterday there was much warping (people really enjoy this?). Once that was out of the way, it was a battle as there is nothing to hold everything in place easily. I was traumatized, uncoordinated, and almost ready to give up. Pearl was there with her “just do it” attitude so I persevered.
The warp is silk and bamboo. The weft is my own hand dyed and hand spun BFL. I’m not used to seeing the wool laid out this way. The thick and thin gives it a beautiful wave and I’m eager to finish it, wear it and love it to pieces.
Well, I hope I do a good enough job so that it stays in one piece. Try something different with your fibre today. You never know what you’ll end up with.
Good for you Carmen! I too picked up a rigid heddle loom a few years back. I read the book and was so excited…… and then put it away. Maybe my next vacation? I really wanted to do that! Looks great!
Wow! I’m impressed, looks great so far.
Good for you! I have to admit, the warping kind of turns my lazy self off weaving, LOL. But the results are worth it. Looking forward to seeing it all finished. 🙂