I knit because I am compelled to. I need and want my hands to be in motion. Therefore knitting is a useful and legal option.
I crochet because sometimes my hands are tired from knitting and my fingers need to remember different motions. I also enjoy curves. Knitting is satisfying, but angular, more sharp. Sometimes it’s about the flow.
I hand dye the wool because my mind’s eye has its own range of colour. I see colour beyond the ones I am presented with. Beyond what sits in pretty baskets in yarn stores.
I spin the wool because my hands demand the variety of texture and nuance. Smooth, lumpy, rugged, sheepy, fuzzy and sleek. I also see a need to challenge how yarn is presented and used.
I am weaving so that I can create a new shiny surface, a new tapestry for my life. I want to unravel the mysteries of the fibre and see myself unfold in their textures. Each layer of fibre a key to understanding myself.
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