It have decided that I no longer “do” free form crochet. The connotation is a bit more dated than I like. It evokes large scrumbles and those weird corkscrew tassles and that’s just not how this girl rides….so based on the inspiration of a button that Pearl gave me the other day……..
I now am a subversive crochet gal. It suits the work better. It is anti the granny style, slicker and yippee…I am feeling some real subversive coming on.
Thanks YP. The needle is flaming.
Yeesh – has crochet gone all political now? I have no idea what my knitting label ought to be… I started with crochet back when I was 6, but I still can’t conquer the stigma of those hideous 70’s acrylic afghans I made. Pity.
Oblivious… that would be me. I’d have to have a handle on pop culture to know when I was subverting it!!
You get down with your bad self, subversive crochet gal! 🙂